
Hongyi Li

I am a Ph.D. student in electrical engineering at University of Macau. I received the B.Eng. degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2020, and the M.Sc. degree from Imperial College London in 2021, both in electrical engineering.


We won the first prize in “Challenge Cup” National Undergraduate Extra-Curricular Academic Science and Technology Works Competition, Nov. 2019, BUAA. From left to right: Jiarui HAO, Yubin HUANG, Wenli XU, Hongyi LI, Lei ZHOU, Jinyu WEN, Qing CHEN, Jun LUO, Haonan LEI, Buyang DU.

I was studying in C12.

Me with Yue HU and Jiaqi WANG. They taught me a lot when I was in the SEEE Student Union.

When I was a freshman in HUST.